Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The new troops in Afghanistan, Is Obama a liar???

It has come to my attention that several of my friends and family members are confused on the new troops in Afghanistan. Some are even going as far as saying that Obama is a liar, and has completely changed his opinion. Now as I don’t agree with most things that he has, will and says he will do, I think he gives some empty promises. But this is actually one I don’t think he lied or “sneaked” about. So maybe if the people close to me are confused, maybe the people that aren’t are also, so I thought I would offer my opinion…

Now, Obama’s plan on the war on terror was not 100 percent clear, other than the “remove the troops in Iraq and end the war fast” part. Now he said that was in Iraq, a quick look at HIS website will reveal this; Link to Page. This is a completely different thing though; he has given the permission to send reinforcements into Afghanistan to “stabilize a deteriorating condition.” Obama has said that due to removing troops out of Iraq he is able to send more into Afghanistan.

So in my opinion he has not lied about anything. On another note, I will be writing about if this is good for what is going on in the middle east also, look for another article.


Sources I used are;

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